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Avian Influenza

Mondays with Martha #100 - Avian Influenza

There has been a lot of confusion surrounding the avian influenza outbreak and whether or not it is helpful to remove songbird feeders and baths! This week I share important facts about this virus and explain why the known science does not currently support pulling down wild bird feeders and baths to prevent its spread. Exceptions include feeding stations that attract waterfowl, feeding practices that attract raptors, and wild bird feeding near vulnerable domestic poultry flocks. A quick update after I spoke with the MDNR state wildlife vet yesterday (4/25/22): 1) To be cautious about human health, MDNR is currently asking that besides reporting dead birds to them that people don't handle the dead bird before calling either your local MDNR office (might be the fastest response) or the state Wildlife Disease Lab (number I gave in the video). Keep people and pets away. 2) The sensitivity of corvids is still relatively unknown, with some HPAI positive cases of American crows in North Dakota. She confirmed no known cases in blue jays in Michigan to date. Here are the key websites to watch for nationwide updates on avian influenza HPAI cases in wild birds: Here are Michigan-specific websites mentioned:


Previous article Mondays with Martha #190 - How to Help Wild Birds in Winter

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