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Monday with Martha Matrix

Our mission at Nature Niche is to help our customers be good stewards of the environment we all share and connect with nature.  Environmental education is a significant and meaningful part of what we do as a business, and the Mondays with Martha weekly posts are intended to help 1) showcase the wonderful diversity of species that share our home place here on Earth 2) describe the myriad of landscape ecosystems that support us and these species, and 3) illustrate how our actions as humans impact these landscapes and their occupants for better or for worse.

Our store motto is “Know, Understand, Steward,” and we sincerely hope these posts help you to better know what plants and animal species exist in your homeplace, understand what types of habitats are needed to support these species and the ecosystem services upon which we depend and why they are important, and steward the landscapes over which you have influence to the best of your ability while encouraging others to do the same!  

Here is a Monday with Martha Matrix that we will periodically update to help you find the answers you need and get you directly to the topics you are most interested in. Skimming through, maybe you will find something completely new and exciting! Many of these posts build upon one another and/or stem from questions commonly asked by our customers and workshop attendees. If you have unanswered questions and/or future post ideas, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us! Thanks for watching and making the world a better place for all!

 Click Here to Download the Matrix



Previous article Mondays with Martha #190 - How to Help Wild Birds in Winter


Eliabeth - May 13, 2023

Impressive! Although I live in the Northeast, I can find many interesting articles and suggestions on your website with ease. Thank you for taking care of our planet, our wildlife and providing education to anyone that wants to make this world a better place.

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