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Snag Habitat Decisions Video

Mondays with Martha #197 - Snag Habitat Decisions

This week I review several snag habitat candidates in my yard with Certified Arborist Curt Holsinger and share how we made the decisions to keep, create a snag, or completely take down the trees. I hope these examples and the thought process behind them help inform decisions you make about how and when to create snag habitat on your own property. Special thanks to Curt and the Timber! Tree Care Crew for sharing their knowledge and helping me safely steward the wildlife habitat around my home and to Rita Seston for braving the cold to help us film!

Additional Resources:

Previous article Mondays with Martha #198 - Vernal Pool Patrol Training
Next article Mondays with Martha #196 - Feeding Birds: Native Plants for Hummingbirds & Other Nectar/Sap Drinkers

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