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Turtle Monitoring and Nest Protection Video

Mondays with Martha #107 - Turtle Monitoring & Nest Protection at Chippewa Nature Center

I follow up last week's post about how to help our native turtles with a behind-the-scenes look at Chippewa Nature Center's (CNC) turtle monitoring program. Learn about how and why they are trapping and tagging turtles, but please do not attempt this at home--you need special training and permits! Also learn how you can help with this study by reporting your observations from CNC lands and what you can do in your own landscapes to protect turtle nests from predation.

Special thanks to interpretive naturalist, Lindsey Harrell, for sharing her time and knowledge and to the whole CNC turtle team, including Logan Yonkus and Andrew Naert, for conducting such important research in our community!

Here's another helpful resource for protecting turtle nests:

Previous article Mondays with Martha #193 - Feeding Wild Birds: Native Plants Near Me

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